How Can Data Discovery Tools Be Helpful with Sensitive Data?
Almost every industry operating today deals with sensitive data in some capacity. Many organizations within these industries don’t realize how much...
What Is the Purpose of Data Discovery?
When you are running an enterprise level business, you have a huge amount of data coming in all day, everyday. Some of it is relatively easy to manage...
What Is Sensitive Data Discovery?
Sensitive data discovery involves locating data that requires protection so you can ensure it is secured against compromising situations. Well-known e...
Does the United States Have a Data Protection Act?
United States data protection laws vary by state and by data type, and there is not one overarching act that governs all types of data privacy through...
How to Regulate Private Data
GDPR. HIPAA. FERPA. AFAPDP. INAI. What do all these acronyms have in common? They’re all data privacy laws that govern the collection and use of pri...
Do Privacy Laws Vary from State to State?
Sensitive data discovery tools make it possible for businesses to keep track of all of their data. Why does this matter? Because 64% of companies have...
What Federal Laws Protect Data Privacy?
The first step of sensitive data discovery and migration is understanding what data is considered “sensitive” to begin with. Data privacy regulati...
The Uber Hack: Breaches are Inevitable, Limiting the Damage is Critical
The Uber Hack On September 15, 2022, a message was posted in Uber’s slack channel. It read, “I announce i am a hacker and uber has suffered a dat...
3 Ways Data Analysis Can Streamline Mergers and Acquisitions
3 Ways Data Analysis Can Streamline Mergers and Acquisitions In modern business, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are an essential vehicle to drive...
Three Steps to Identify and Protect Consumer Financial Information
As data volumes rise, data protection regulations grow in strength, and bad actors continue their cyber attacks on the industry, financial institution...
Unstructured Data Discovery Insights You Can Take Action On [Infographic]
Unstructured Data Discovery Insights Before you can take any steps to migrate or govern your enterprise content, you need to deeply understand your d...
Discover Your Unstructured Data, Minimize Your Business Risk
Few risks in business are so overwhelming that they cannot be mitigated – or avoided entirely – if you see them coming. Unfortunately, the truly i...