Dispatches from DryvIQ and the industries we serve

AI Accuracy, Precision, and Recall—The Difference is Key
DryvIQ, Platform
AI Accuracy, Precision, and Recall—The Key Differences

Here at DryvIQ, we take pride in our ability to detect sensitive information in documents and images and classify document types. But how exactly do w...

What Are the Different Types of Sensitive Data
Enterprise Data Management
What Are the Different Types of Sensitive Data?

Companies store a lot of information about customers, partners, and internal operations. But some businesses don’t do a great job of securing that d...

Sean Nathaniel CEO DryvIQ
DryvIQ Promotes Sean Nathaniel to Chief Executive Officer

Unstructured Data Protection Platform Company promotes Sean Nathaniel to Chief Executive Officer while Founder Mark Brazeau, elevates to Board Chairma...

What Is the Importance of Classifying Data
Enterprise Data Management
What Is the Importance of Classifying Data?

Since the beginning of business, there has been data. Sales data, customer data, expense data… the list goes on and on. As society and industries ha...

How Is Data Classified Into Different Categories
Enterprise Data Management
How Is Data Classified Into Different Categories?

Roughly 88% of organizations do not have confidence in their ability to detect and prevent the loss of sensitive data. This is understandable when you...

What Are the Classifications of Data Types
Enterprise Data Management
What Are the Classifications of Data Types?

Truly understanding and protecting your data is a laborious and convoluted endeavor—especially when dealing with unstructured data. Although as much...

How Can Data Discovery Tools Be Helpful with Sensitive Data
Enterprise Data Management
How Can Data Discovery Tools Be Helpful with Sensitive Data?

Almost every industry operating today deals with sensitive data in some capacity. Many organizations within these industries don’t realize how much...

What Is the Purpose of Data Discovery
Enterprise Data Management
What Is the Purpose of Data Discovery?

When you are running an enterprise level business, you have a huge amount of data coming in all day, everyday. Some of it is relatively easy to manage...

What Is Sensitive Data Discovery
Enterprise Data Management
What Is Sensitive Data Discovery?

Sensitive data discovery involves locating data that requires protection so you can ensure it is secured against compromising situations. Well-known e...

Does the United States Have a Data Protection Act
Enterprise Data Management
Does the United States Have a Data Protection Act?

United States data protection laws vary by state and by data type, and there is not one overarching act that governs all types of data privacy through...

How to Regulate Private Data
Enterprise Data Management
How to Regulate Private Data

GDPR. HIPAA. FERPA. AFAPDP. INAI. What do all these acronyms have in common? They’re all data privacy laws that govern the collection and use of pri...

Do Privacy Laws Vary from State to State
Enterprise Data Management
Do Privacy Laws Vary from State to State?

Sensitive data discovery tools make it possible for businesses to keep track of all of their data. Why does this matter? Because 64% of companies have...