Customer Profile
Landmark Field Services specializes in Right of Way land rights acquisition for the oil & gas industry. Landmark utilizes the latest data storage and distribution technologies to manage the myriad of data associated with providing first-class right-of-way services to its clients.
Business Drivers
In the course of its business, Landmark Field Services collects, manages, and stores critical data. “This includes comprehensive geographical data, a database of information related to land ownership as well as tenancies and legal documents,” Tom Morris, Chief Technology Officer explained. “Our teams are spread out in field offices and mobile locations, so it’s critical for our team to have access to current data. And to have the ability to contribute to the collection wherever they are.”
The Challenge: Sync Dropbox to SharePoint, Box, and Network File-Shares
Hybrid Multi-Cloud Environment Synchronization
Landmark operates what it calls its “Cloud Datacenter” in Ft. Worth, Texas. It utilizes several cloud services, including Box and Dropbox, as well as Microsoft SharePoint and network file-shares. “The challenge was how to tether all of these platforms together,” explained Tom. “Our cloud-based information management system had to be robust and highly available in the face of fast-moving projects. Each area, however, speaks its own language. So we needed a solution that could tie them all together. Something that was completely agnostic.”
The Solution
After some research, Landmark chose DryvIQ to address this challenge. “DryvIQ gave us the ability to integrate these disparate systems into an entire holistic cloud information delivery system,” described Tom. “We have it configured to actively intermediate between these proprietary systems, performing updates and syncs while enabling secure collection and distribution of our mission-critical data. Landmark’s data management team also found the installation, testing, and rollout of DryvIQ extremely easy and fault-free. Frankly, we didn’t bother with a pilot program and extended analysis” explained Tom. “After some initial testing, we put DryvIQ directly into production. And to our delight, it functioned flawlessly and has continued to do so.”
The Results
“It just works,” explained Tom. “DryvIQ enables Landmark’s distributed teams to collaborate effectively with partner teams and their clients. It enables successful project outcomes without being encumbered by proprietary technologies. At the same time, we have the security and information rights management required for proper document lifecycle management. Much of the information Landmark creates and manages must adhere to strict records retention policies to meet the corporate governance guidelines of large-scale projects. Our projects include legal agreements and other important records that must be maintained for years after a project is complete. DryvIQ helps us to manage this responsibility with confidence, while we continue to deliver excellent information with increased speed.”
Support and responsiveness
“The team at DryvIQ is supportive and delivers the confidence we need in managing such a large-scale cloud initiative,” Tom explained. “We believe the Cloud needs a tether and the private cloud at Landmark is well anchored with DryvIQ technology. This product has become a cornerstone for the Landmark information management system.