Minimizing end-user distrust and frustration with migration and synchronization initiatives is a primary goal of DryvIQ. And to meet our goal, our content migration tool employs Continuous Copy as opposed to traditional delta migration.
Any time businesses migrate or synchronize data between systems, the concept of end-user impact will be top of mind. And, with migration, production downtime must be minimized as much as possible during a cutover to the new system. To achieve a minimal or zero user impact, migration fidelity must be very high. When the file fidelity is high, the content stays familiar to users and supports adoption.
In a synchronization scenario, when an end-user detects a difference between the endpoints, they begin to distrust the solution. In a migration scenario, the end-user is already experiencing change which is never comfortable. If the data is not migrated with a high degree of perfection, the end-user experiences additional frustration. But with Continuous Copy, the user virtually experiences no disruption or frustration.
Continuous Copy Content Migration Tool
Introducing DryvIQ’s Continuous Copy feature. Continuous Copy ensures that content on the destination system is synced with the content on the source system- all while maintaining a very high level of fidelity and in near real-time.
We developed DryvIQ from the ground up to support the extreme parallelization necessary to run many jobs simultaneously and quickly. This way, DryvIQ can keep up with content changes between endpoints. Even with tens of thousands of jobs and hundreds of terabytes of content of files, our content migration tool continuously streams changes between endpoints. This enables DryvIQ to synchronize very large systems and drastically minimize cutover downtime during migration.
Depending on the number of items under management and the amount of physical hardware available, DryvIQ is often able to keep the data in thousands of jobs synchronized between endpoints in a time span of minutes instead of hours or days.
Standard Delta Reconciliation in Content Migration Tools
Continuous Copy vs Delta Migration
Traditional migrations by other software tools often have a primary migration phase followed by one or more delta migration phases. The performance and job execution characteristics of these tools often result in delta migrations that take days or even weeks to complete. This causes an increase in the amount of system downtime for the final delta in a cutover.
DryvIQ avoids most of this downtime by propagating changes from source to a destination system in near real-time. When it is time for a migration cutover, a very short downtime window allows the final bits to transfer from source to destination just before go-live.
In addition to limiting cutover downtime, users can also be affected by the quality of the delta migration process. The Continuous Copy content migration tool also provides maintenance of full file fidelities such as permissions, versions, author information, and metadata, as well as providing comprehensive change detection and synchronization.
Most migration platforms can detect modifications in files and folders as well as new files and folders. However, Continuous Copy is also able to detect deleted content. It can be frustrating for an end-user when they delete a file in the source system, experience a migration cutover, and then see that the file has reappeared on the destination system. This can occur because most migration platforms to not propagate delete operations during delta migration phases.
Improve User Adoption with End-User Confidence
The mandate of the DryvIQ Continuous Copy content migration tool is to keep all content in perfect synchronization in near real-time and with full file fidelity between endpoints in an efficient and timely manner.
This capability minimizes cutover downtime and maximizes end-user confidence to achieve business productivity objectives. Meanwhile, it also eliminates end-user frustration and distrust in the data synchronization or migration solution.