Seamless Box to OneDrive Migration
As part of its divestiture from a former company, this educational content development organization was required to separate its IT services and remove all content from the parent company’s cloud storage service. The organization needed to migrate 50 TB of data from Box to OneDrive for Business on a short timeline. However, they had just under two months to complete the Box to OneDrive migration.
Company Profile
An Educational Content Developer Planning a Box to OneDrive Migration
This educational content development organization provides digital curriculum resources and professional development for K-12 classrooms and educators. Their services reach over five million educators and 51 million students in more than 90 countries.
Recently as part of an acquisition, the organization became an independent company in the spring of 2018.
The Challenge
Migration Tools & Meeting Deadlines
Given the nature of the carve-out, the organization required more than just a lift-and-shift of content from Box to OneDrive. “We had a lot of data to clean up,” said the IT Director. “Our Box environment was kind of a mess. Moving to OneDrive involved a lot of legwork and remediation.”
At first, the organization attempted to use a popular Office 365 migration tool. However, after several weeks, they realized that the tool wasn’t fast enough. “Based on the migration tool’s calculation, it would have taken another eight to ten weeks to migrate to OneDrive from Box. Therefore, we had to go another route. This tool was just too slow,” the IT Director said.
As a second option, the organization also explored a common Box migration tool.
“We did a second test with another migration tool. But we learned fairly quickly that moving the data from Box would involve a manual lift. However, we needed to enlist professional services, given all the remediation required,” the IT Director said. “It was more complicated than moving all of the content from an existing Box environment into a new OneDrive. And this migration vendor could not offer that level of service.”
The Solution
A Quick & Easy OneDrive Migration
Finally, for the organization’s Box to OneDrive migration, the third vendor was the charm.
“We came to DryvIQ towards the end of our original migration timeline and moved swiftly with the engagement,” explained the IT Director. “The DryvIQ team was honest with us. We were not going to be able to make the original deadline by the time we reached out to them. But with DryvIQ on board, we only had to extend our timeline by one month to migrate the content out of Box and into OneDrive.”
In addition to the speed of the migration to OneDrive, DryvIQ’s white-glove professional services offering also helped seal the deal.
“What we really needed was to get the Box to OneDrive migration done as quickly and easily as possible,” the IT Director said. “The value that DryvIQ brought at a similar cost to competitors’ tools with the addition of fully managing the project is what made the choice for us.”
The Results
With the DryvIQ platform, the majority of the organization’s 50 TB of content was segmented from Box and moved to OneDrive in just a few weeks. DryvIQ’s Client Solutions team also helped filter the content properly and remediate transfer errors along the way, making the process quick and effortless for the organization.
“Our migration to OneDrive from Box was largely hands-off for my team, which is what we needed at the time,” said the IT Director. “With our very small IT staff and a very tight timeline, there is no way that we would have gotten this done in time without using DryvIQ.”